In Dame Darcys neo-Victorian world of two-headed beauties, mermaids and deathly adventures, the horrible and shadowy people are the most seductive. Most recently seen in Alan Moores Tomorrow Stories, Dame Darcy continues to delight us with her wicked sense of play with more Meat Cake! This issue: Hindrance and Perfida reclaim their ruby choker stolen by a criminal lady and find Richards husband in the process, Tommaso Nicolao lends his dark pen to lithely illustrate a tragic ghost story, and fine, delicious recipes from the Latchkey Kids Cookbook. Plus the beautiful continuation of the watery "Planet Blue" story.
Dame Darcy ディム・ダーシー Meat Cake #11 (English Edition)
コミック作家としてのみならず米・アングラ・シーンで映像作家、女優としても活躍してきたディム・ダーシーのミート・ケーキ・シリーズ #11。
言語 : 英語
In Dame Darcys neo-Victorian world of two-headed beauties, mermaids and deathly adventures, the horrible and shadowy people are the most seductive. Most recently seen in Alan Moores Tomorrow Stories, Dame Darcy continues to delight us with her wicked sense of play with more Meat Cake! This issue: Hindrance and Perfida reclaim their ruby choker stolen by a criminal lady and find Richards husband in the process, Tommaso Nicolao lends his dark pen to lithely illustrate a tragic ghost story, and fine, delicious recipes from the Latchkey Kids Cookbook. Plus the beautiful continuation of the watery "Planet Blue" story.