Join Madam Dragon’s hardest-working student, Zog, as he zigzags his way through Dragon School with songs, a story, and even a game. Julia Donaldson’s slightly accident-prone dragon makes a great playtime companion – pop him on your Toniebox and you’ll definitely be in for a roaring time. Great for language development and to reduce screen time.
Join Madam Dragon’s hardest-working student, Zog, as he zigzags his way through Dragon School with songs, a story, and even a game. Julia Donaldson’s slightly accident-prone dragon makes a great playtime companion – pop him on your Toniebox and you’ll definitely be in for a roaring time. Great for language development and to reduce screen time.
マダム ドラゴンの一番の勉強好きの生徒、ゾグと一緒に、歌や物語、ゲームを楽しみながら、ドラゴン スクールをジグザグに進んでいきましょう。ジュリア ドナルドソンの、ちょっと事故に遭いやすいドラゴンは、遊び仲間として最適です。トニーボックスに乗せれば、きっと楽しい時間を過ごせるでしょう。